Transfer The Cents
Transfer the Cents helps you save money while you spend! Simply stop by one of our locations or give us a call to start rounding up your transactions to the nearest dollar for quick and simple savings!
Two great options to choose from:
Transfer the Cents: Allows you to round up debit card purchases from your checking account to the next whole dollar amount and transfer the difference to the savings or checking account of your choice.
For example: Let’s say you purchase a soda for $1.65 at a local restaurant. Transfer the Cents will automatically round your transaction up to $2.00, transferring the $0.35 difference into your savings or checking account of your choice.
Transfer my Ending Daily Balance: At the end of each business day, we will round the balance in the checking account of your choice down to the next whole dollar amount and transfer the difference to the savings or checking account of your choice.
For example: If your account’s ending balance for the day is $156.45, Transfer the Cents will round your account down to $156.00, transferring the $0.45 difference into your savings or checking account of your choice.