Fun and Relaxation in Spa City!
The Passport Club visited the beautiful, fun and relaxing Hot Springs a few weeks ago and had a blast! This was a great overnight trip that had a little bit of something for everyone!
On our first day, we started at Oaklawn and enjoyed lunch as we watched the horse races and enjoyed the casino. We even had a few winners in the group! That evening we dined at a 5-star dinner theater that provided a lovely candlelight dinner. The food was fantastic! The show featured a comedic magician who pulled a few of us on stage. We were AMAZED at how funny he was and his tricks were AWESOME! We honestly didn’t know how he did some of his tricks! He pulled one of our members on stage and asked her to pick any word out of the magazine he handed her and then he guessed the word she had picked out. He also pulled another member on stage and asked her for her wedding ring, and before we knew it, he had it in the gumball machine right behind her. He was truly a highlight of the trip.
That evening we returned to the beautiful and historic Arlington Hotel, located in the middle of downtown Hot Springs. Some of the guests retired to their room to rest, and some stayed up later enjoying the live band and dancing downstairs.
The next day we woke up to a beautiful breakfast buffet, and then loaded the bus with our step-on tour guide. Our scenic drive took us to the top of North Mountain and through Hot Springs National Park. Along the way we learned about the historical landmarks in Hot Springs and viewed some beautiful homes. Our guide was great and even told us stories about the mysteries of Hot Springs.
We then went shopping in the downtown area of Hot Springs. I introduced the group to my personal favorite place to shop for soap called Bathhouse, which is located on the famous Bathhouse Row. The employees were so happy to see us that they sent us home with a free gift of chocolate coffee soap scrub. It smelled so good we all wanted to eat it!
For lunch we hopped on the Belle of Hot Springs and enjoyed lunch as we toured beautiful Lake Hamilton and viewed the beautiful homes on the lake.
Last stop, but certainly not least, we had our mystery stop! I added in the mystery stop as a fun way to get the group excited about possibly exploring something new in Hot Springs. To build on the excitement, the travelers received clues throughout the trip, including a hidden drawing of a flower in their room! Our mystery stop was the beautiful Garvin Gardens, Hot Springs’s #1 stop on Trip Adviser! It was breathtaking!
I am so glad I got to take some of our members to Hot Springs, as it is one of my favorite places in Arkansas! I think everyone took home memories and I really hope we can return someday.
Arkansas is The Natural State and I love exploring it and showing people around! We are so blessed to live here! I hope to do another Arkansas tour to another fun and exciting location in the fall, so watch for details!