Go Green with FNBC
FNBC helps you GO GREEN
First National Banking Company (FNBC) is proud to offer ways they can help you in your efforts to Go Green.
In honor of Earth Day which is April 22nd, FNBC wants to give you tips on how they can help you in your efforts to become more Earth friendly. By signing up for e-statements you can receive your statements electronically to your e-mail. This saves the paper and envelope you have been receiving. Another way you can help is by using your FNBC debit card, ATM card, and free online bill pay to save more checks, envelopes, and stamps. Signing up for Direct Deposit will also cut down on your usage of paper plus it saves the time of having to make out that deposit slip. These may seem like small steps, but over time they can really add up.
Caring for the environment is nothing new to FNBC. They have been recycling for years. In 2009 alone they have recycled 19.4 tons of paper. This saved 329 trees, 135,824 gallons of water, 7,373gallons of oil, 79,554 kwh of energy and 68 cubic yards of space in a landfill. “We are just trying to do our part to help our community and our environment,” said bank president Marty Sellars